Popularity of sawargaon:

sawargaon are popular for very interesting facts, which are very surprised for any unknown person.following are some interesting facts about sawargaon

  1. Bramhdeva temple
  2. Big Dam
  3. Lotus
  4. Sant Nande Maharaj

1.Bramhdeva temple:

Bramhdeva temple

Bramhdeva temple>

is very popular in whole around area.In this temple there is not only Bramhdeva. they have also contain "Bhagvan Maroti","vitthala &rukmini","mahadeva",etc.Whole are of temple is 100m*150mlong.Inside the temple a"baniyan" tree are planted.

Bramhdeva temple are very anciant and popular. about this temple one big incident are popular.To rading this storyclick here.

Now, we reading about a baniyaan tree. This are growing from 100-125 years ago. Which have more importance in all village we can said a baniyaan tree is security of sawargaon's temple.

2.Big dam:

A dam is situated at inside of the "Bramhdeva temple".Which dam are fulfilled by water. in any session dam are always fulfilled by water in all village

In any session this dam are providing a big quantity of water. when in summer the level of water are decremented by fastly in all village,then dam are providing a water for village.

a long and long year ago one horrible i cident was performed.to knowing about that incident.


Plant of lotus
Lotusare very Popular and unfinded plant in all over the world.We all are said"Lotus are growing in mud" as a comedy.but this fact is very truelly for all village. we can see in above. picture in that dam more and more plants are growing in water (also in mud).

Over the 20%part of water are affected by thos plants. on this percentage we can imagine, hoa much plants are very helpful for all village. One big help for this plant the Popularity of sawargaon will be increased by fastly. the leaf of this plant are very big,therefore this plant are using in eating,as a("thaali")it's an big help for all village.

We also know "Lotus"have their own flowers, which are very and very beautiful.If you was seeing the flowers then you will be also know.

4.Sant nandi maharaj:

sant nandi maharaj

We also know Nanded is called as a Land of sant.In the nanded there are many "sant was did there service for people and goes away,from all it is nandi maharajwas once.

Nandi Maharaj did very hard work for people and gives some important tips for people. we can say "if there is no nandi maharaj,then there is no sawargaon". In the nandi Maharaj have their own temple in sawargaon, which was created by all peoples.

